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Our Team of devoted professionals come from around the world and have worked in the Biotech Industry in Canada, US, and Africa. The Nootrostax Team has years of experience and knowledge manufacturing and developing both advanced nutritional and cognitive-enhancing products. 

Before Nootrostax, one of the Founders established and operated an international Nutraceutical company based out of East Africa. Their products benefited the health of thousands of individuals through proper nutritional supplementation.

This experience paved the road for Nootrostax - A company whose mission is developing a better and more advanced society. We develop nootropics and other cognitive enhancement products that are accessible, safe, and effective for everyone.

We Believe:

  • The human body is a system that can be programmed given the proper compounds.
  • Our intellectual ability is the driving force for civilization today.
  • A smart society is a better society.

We're taking the human experience to the next level. Join us as we create a more intellectual society.